Call for the Swiss MS Society Research Prize 2025

The Swiss MS Society is pleased to announce that it will award the «Swiss Multiple Sclerosis Society Research Prize» at the «MS State of the Art Symposium» on January 25, 2025.

The prize is endowed with CHF 100’000. With this prize, the Swiss MS Society would like to make a further contribution to the promotion of excellent MS related research in Switzerland.

On behalf of the Research Prize Committee, you are invited to propose candidates.


Formal criteria

  • Researcher at a Swiss institute or clinic
  • No age limit as long as active in research
  • Researchers currently funded by the Swiss MS Society are also eligible


Quality criteria

  • Outstanding research contribution in the previous 2-3 years
  • Promising future research plan
  • Importance to the field: MS pathogenesis/aetiology, diagnosis, treatment
  • Significant contribution in the interest of persons with MS


Proposals should include

  • CV of the candidate
  • List of publications (highlight the 5 most important publications)
  • Summary description of scientific achievement(s)
  • A short outline why the candidate deserves to be honoured (4 brief sentences)

Proposals are accepted until September 9 by email to


More information

MS-Research Prize

Forschungspreis der Schweiz. MS-Gesellschaft

Prix de la recherche de la Société suisse SEP

Premio per la ricerca della Società svizzera SM